6月7日14:00-15:30 腾讯会议号:311 924 077 会议密码:123456 |
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报告人 |
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邀请人 |
14:00-15 :00 |
孙宁奎 |
Dynamics of Time-periodic Reaction-diffusion Equations with Free Boundaries |
吴事良 |
6月8日 9:00-10 :00 腾讯会议号:804 692 141 会议密码:123456 |
时间 |
报告人 |
Title |
邀请人 |
9:00-10:00 |
邹 兰 |
Modeling and analyzing the transmission dynamics of visceral leishmaniasis |
李善兵 |
6月10日 9:00-10 :00 腾讯会议号:688 540 750 会议密码:123456 |
时间 |
报告人 |
Title |
邀请人 |
9:00-10:00 |
向昭银 |
Critical mass in a chemotaxis model with indirect signal production mechanism |
李善兵 |
联系人: 吴事良 手机:18392190403 E-mail: slwu@xidian.edu.cn
李善兵 手机:18700410622 E-mail: lishanbing@xidian.edu.cn
Dynamics of Time-periodic Reaction-diffusion Equations with Free Boundaries
孙宁奎 山东师范大学
摘要:This talk is divided into two parts. The first part covers some known results on Cauchy problem and Fisher-KPP equations with free boundaries in time periodic environment. In the second part, I will introduce some open probelm on the dynamics of time-periodic reaction-diffusion equations with bistable nonlinearies and free boundaries.
报告人简介:孙宁奎,山东师范大学best365网页版登录官网副教授,研究方向为非线性偏微分方程和生物数学,得到一系列较高水平的研究成果,发表论文10余篇,部分成果发表在Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, J. Differential Equations, J. Dynam. Differential Equations等国际著名学术期刊。现主持国家自然科学基金1项,山东省青创团队项目1项,山东省自然科学基金1项。
Modeling and analyzing the transmission dynamics of visceral leishmaniasis
邹 兰 四川大学
摘要:We develop a mathematical model to study the transmission dynamics of visceral leishmaniasis. Based on the transmission of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil and Nepal, differential populations are considered in the model. In addition, the impact of vertical transmission is discussed in the spread of the disease.
Critical mass in a chemotaxis model with indirect signal production mechanism
向昭银 电子科技大学
摘要:In this talk, we present a critical mass phenomenon in a chemotaxis model with indirect signal production mechanism. Our first result asserts that for any suitably regular initial data, the system admits global classical solution, which is different from the classical Keller-Segel system with direct signal production mechanism. Our second result confirms that for all radially symmetric initial data smaller than the critical value, the solutions are globally bounded, while for any initial mass larger than the critical value, unbounded global solutions can be constructed.
报告人简介:向昭银,电子科技大学数学科学学院教授、博士生导师、副院长;2006年博士研究生毕业于四川大学;主要从事偏微分方程的研究,在《Communication in Partial Differential Equations》、《Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations》、《International Mathematics Research Notices》、《Journal of Functional Analysis》、《Mathematische Zeitschrift》、《Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences》、《Journal of Differential Equations》、《Nonlinearity》 等国际著名SCI期刊上发表学术论文 60 余篇;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、中国博士后科学基金、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金等;入选四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人资助计划、四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选等。