报告题目:Global solvability and stability of a three-species food chain model with prey-taxis and alarm-taxis
报告人:王治安教授 香港理工大学应用数学系

报告人简介:王治安, 香港理工大学应用数学系教授,华中师大本科硕士, 加拿大艾伯塔大学应用数学博士,美国明尼苏达大学应用数学所博士后。主要从事生物数学及相关的偏微分方程研究。现担任JMB, DCDS-B等杂志编委。曾获香港数学会青年学者奖以及JMAA杂志最佳论文奖。
报告摘要:In this talk, we shall first introduce a three-species food chain model with prey-taxis and discuss its global solvability and stability. Then we include an alarm-taxis as an anti-predation strategy into the model and discuss its global sovalbility and stability. Compared to the two-species food chain model (i.e. predator-prey model) with prey-taxis, the three-species food chain model with prey-taxis has some essential differences in model structures and some new ideas are needed to establish the global well-posedness of the model.